March Newsletter 2021

This month’s newsletter is so focused on cars and motoring-related topics, you might be forgiven for thinking, we invited the makers of a certain motoring programme to be guest editors. Whether you are disappointed or somewhat relieved to hear that Jeremy Clarkson and mates have not in fact taken over the newsletter, the information here will be relevant to all of you. Even if you do not own a car or drive yourself, anyone who visits in a car needs to be aware of Transport for London (TFL) and Council-led changes to parking and driving in the next few weeks and months.
New Parking Permits
The council have informed us they will be issuing new parking permits for estate visitors. These new permits will be pink and replace the blue permits you have now. The old ones will no longer be valid, and you will receive parking fines if you continue to use them. As soon as the new permits are issued, please make sure you replace any out of date/obsolete permits straight away. You can return the old blue estate permits to the Cop office or dispose of them.
ULEZ Zone Expansion
Please note, we have compiled this summary using TFL’s website following a resident’s request and cannot accept responsibly for incorrect information. Any questions about ULEZ expansion should be directed to TFL. Coop staff and committee members are not able to provide additional information beyond what has been provided here.
A study by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on the national cost of emissions states that pollutants from older vehicles are “particularly damaging to health” and that “reducing emissions from road transport remains a significant challenge as the UK looks to reach net-zero emissions by 2050” (2109). To encourage road users to use vehicles that meet Euro-wide low emission standards, TFL is expanding the Ultra Low Emission Zone which has been in operation since 2019. The old zone was the same as the Congestion Zone. From the 25th of October, the zone will be extended and apply to an area spanning between the North Circular Road (A406) and the South Circular Road (A205). The Coop is just inside the circumference, although the A-road boundary is not included. Therefore, from the 25th of October 2021, if a vehicle does NOT meet the low emission standards required, vehicle-owners will need to pay £12.50 a day to drive in the Zone, even if they are residents. TFL say they are more interested in vehicles meetings the standard requirements than collecting the cash. There is plenty of information on TFL’s website, however, the following bullet points have been copied and pasted directly from the relevant pages as they are likely to be of interest to everyone who lives or drives inside the zone:
- “From 25 October 2021, when the ULEZ expands to the North and South Circular Roads, residents must pay the full daily ULEZ charge to drive a vehicle in the zone if it does not meet the ULEZ standards.” (TLF, 2021)
You can find out if your vehicle meets ULEZ standards by checking on TFL’s site. All you need are your number plate details.
- “Keepers of vehicles registered with a ‘disabled’ or ‘disabled passenger vehicles’ tax class will benefit from a grace period after the ULEZ starts. They’ll be exempt from the ULEZ charge until 26 October 2025 as long as their vehicle doesn’t change tax class. Read more here.” (TFL, 2021)
As well as guidance about whether your vehicle meets the required standards, there is plenty of guidance about support for scrapping older vehicles that do not meet the requirements. Grants are available for cars, vans, minibuses, and heavy vehicles.
You can find out more by visiting TFL.