June Newsletter 2021

Garden volunteering
Committee member Jane Wilkinson reported in the recent General Meeting that the Garden project is on track again now that lock-down restrictions have eased. Jane is looking for volunteers to join her in continuing to improve the garage area and work on the pond. Please contact the office if are interested in helping out.

General Meeting
At the recent General meeting, there were not quite enough shareholders so it was reconvened and the General Meetings Minutes are available on the website. Those who were there, however, had an informal chat about tree growth, the possibility of new flooring in the blocks along with the practicalities around making the block lighting more ecologically sustainable with movement sensors.

Some of you may have noticed, newsletters and meeting information is now arriving via email. Although this does not negate energy costs entirely, it is a more sustainable option and saves on paper and printing costs. However, we are aware too many emails can be annoying and aim to keep them to a minimum. But it has been good to witness people clicking on links and visiting the Co-op website to find out more, as well as seeing some new faces at the meetings. Please contact the office with your email address if you have been missing out on electronic news or if you would prefer to unsubscribe.

Recently we received a postcard from a neighbour. They told us how they had been collecting unsold surplus food from local stores and giving it away using a sharing platform called Olio. You can use the platform to pick up or give away meals, fruit and vegetables, store-food and even toiletries you don’t need. The service is an excellent way of preventing food waste and reducing your shopping bill too. You can find out more at Oliox.com.

Although there were not quite enough shareholders at the recent General Meeting, there would have been if everyone attending were Co-op members. We have made the process of becoming a shareholder easier by creating an online application form. Shares cost £1 and you must be a council tenant, leaseholder or freeholder. Private tenants are not eligible.

There have been complaints about the number of pigeons on the estate. Please do not encourage them to congregate or feed. The following video explains why and there is more information available here. We have listed the reasons for not feeding pigeons below.

  1. Feeding wild birds including pigeons and seagulls) and squirrels can attract pests and put human health at risk from infectious diseases such as salmonella, tuberculosis, ornithosis and psittacosis which can lead to
    viral pneumonia.
  2. Pigeon excrement has been linked to Cryptococcus neoformans infections which may be fatal to people with compromised
    immune systems.
  3. Allergic reactions can also occur causing lung and skin irritation and lead to infection.
  4. Bird droppings, nesting and other debris can contain bacteria, viruses, mites, and insects which could be passed to humans and
    infest your flat.
  5. Putting food out also attracts mice and rats which are known spreaders of disease. Seagulls, pigeons, other wild birds are not dependant on humans to feed them. Feeding birds, particularly pigeons, in an urban situation leads to overcrowding and unsanitary conditions and can result in the death of nestlings through disease and aggression.

    You can get information on hygienic and pest-free ways to feed small garden birds from the R.S.P.B.

Bin sheds
Please only put household waste in your bin sheds, ensure bags are securely fastened and do not overfill the bags. Please ensure your shed is always kept hygienic and tidy.

Summer growth across the borough has been lovely to see, especially as
the council and the Co-op have left verges and some lawns to grow for insect populations. However, some of the hedges on the estate are beginning to block pathways. Please check your hedges and make sure they are not obstructing the path.

Photo competition EXTENDED!
We’ve extended the deadline. Send us your images of the estate by the 31st July 2021. You have to be in it to win it! Rules and details are in April’s newsletter and on the website. Some handy tips: Avoid the harsh midday sun. Make the most of sunrise and sunset light. Experiment with the portrait mode of your phone when photographing flowers.

Dates and events to look out for
AGM – 7pm Tuesday 13th July
Summer Drinks – TBC
Coffee Morning – TBC